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Custom tornado shelters for house & businesses

Safe Rooms Tulsa | Insurance For Life vs Life Insurance

Safe Rooms Tulsa | Insurance For Life vs Life Insurance

This content was written for Tornado Place.

Safe rooms in Tulsa has to offer our amongst the best in the world because they are able to understand just how scary it is when a tornado is threatening to destroy you and everything you hold dear in your entire life. Living in the center of the universe Tulsa Oklahoma is absolutely the best place to be if you want to experience tornado scares. Most people who live here are fully aware that there is a possibility of being fully eradicated by giant wind tunnels that formulate out of nowhere. The owner of tornado Place storm shelters located at 6907 E. 14th St. in Tulsa, OK 74112 is fully aware of that negative feeling you get when there is no storm shelter in your house but you have a tornado threatening your home and family. It is for this reason that I would direct you to learn more about how he has solved this problem for his family and for so many families across tornado Alley and the entire united states of America.

Charlie Willsey, the owner of tornado Place storm shelters is able to produce the best safe rooms Tulsa has to offer because he simply has so much experience with metal fabrication and manufacturing. He has some 30 years of experience. He takes that experience he looks at the specifications for what you need according to the governing bodies. And then he amplifies those specifications in order to meet a much higher standard than what is actually technically required to be able to legally sell a storm shelter or safe room to the public. It is in this fact that he has built his business. People want to have an extra layer of People want to have an extra layer of security and they will pay for it. That extra layer security actually just translates down to an extra layer of peace of mind that their family will be safe if something tragic happens. Check out their website at to determine exactly what level of rigorous testing has been done to ensure that these safe rooms will keep your family safe. After testing they can confidently say that an EF five tornado will have zero major impact on the structural integrity of a tornado place storm shelter.

Often times tornado Place finds themselves creating a giant storm shelter because they can. A lot of times businesses will find this to be a useful addition to the safety of their buildings. In the corporate environment is important to have employees. If your employees are wiped off the face of the planet as a result of you as a business owner not taking the necessary steps to protect them from giant wind tunnels that formulate out of nowhere then that can be a really big problem for the bottom line of the business after the dust of a particularly destructive storm settles. The flexible aspect of the tornado play storm shelter is probably one of the number one reasons why this storm shelter is so popular. They can build them to size and specifications and a custom manner. If you want to fit an entire corporate organizational chart worth of people into the storm shelter you're going to need a big room. If you were to have one of these built and then installed somewhere else they would have to tear down walls to put it in your home or office. With tornado place they bring it in in modular sections and it is very easy to manage the installation and designing of these storm shelters with the systems that they have in place. These systems are based on 30 years of manufacturing custom projects.

If you get the cost of insurance you will find that year-over-year it is quite an expensive thing. Clay Clark, the small business Association entrepreneur of the year in Oklahoma has something to say about insurance. He says the reason why you would buy insurance is so that you can have a bad day rather than a bad life. Think about that for a second. Another great quote is from Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett says that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 five minutes to destroy it. Let me dissect this. A safe room or storm shelter in the event of emergency is an absolute necessity. These things are not free to produce and therefore not free to have installed in your home however if there is a disaster you will simply just want to have it there at that time. You won't actually want to be thinking Man I wish I would have invested in a safe room before my family is being swept away into a giant wind tunnel. tornado Place has a reputation that they have forged in the community for building the safest and strongest storm shelters known to man.

They have become experts at supplying and installing these safe rooms in custom scenarios all across the United States for both homeowners and businesses looking to protect what is most important to them.

Let the work of the awesome team a tornado place speak for itself and visit their website at Don't wait once you have decided that this will be the company you use to install your insurance policy a.k.a. storm shelter. The safe rooms Tulsa has to offer through this incredible company can be viewed at 6907 E. 14th St. and Tulsa, OK 74112 in person. If you just want to get started right now and you're super jazzed up about making sure your family is safe and event of emergency then pick up the phone and dial 918-863-8989 and talk with a professional safe room customer service representative about scheduling your install before the next disaster strikes.

Safe Rooms Tulsa | Simply The Best Of The Best Around

This content was written for Tornado Place.

Hey good company will let its customers speak for it. The company that can show its customers on video talking about the peace of mind and incredible Life they have as a result of your product or service is an extremely powerful way of communicating the benefits of using that company. Many people in Tulsa are looking for the best safe rooms Tulsa has to offer. For these people I would say go in to view the testimonials on tornado They are outstanding and professionally put together. You can see firsthand how people feel about getting a whole new insurance policy installed right into the physical frame of their home. Check out the website today

The owner of tornado Place is also the CEO and founder. He started the company and has grown it into what it is today. The man has a solid set of core values in his life and in his company that he abides by strictly. Integrity is one of those values. Charlie is truly a man who is primarily concerned with the safety of people during natural disasters. It takes all of two minutes of talking to Charlie before you realize that he really does care about you and your family's safety. When you have a guy like that driving a company that can provide security for families across the entire country, you know that you have stumbled upon a gold mine.

Tornado place is a company you can trust for safe rooms Tulsa. In fact this is a company you can trust tornado place to provide you with hey custom designed and built safe room or storm shelter in any area of this great nation. They will travel to you and Measure and design what ever it is that you are needing for your specific situation. They can build safe rooms inside your house without having to remove walls. All of the benefits of this company have been outlined during news the segments and with credible institutions that we all know. When a news channel will specifically point out a product or service to the masses it is usually because that company providing that product is a company of massive integrity and can actually provide the things that they are saying they can provide. Tornado place find themselves in this category as they have been on the news multiple times in tornado Alley for the incredible security that they're providing their families.

Of course we know that everyone wants proof. So going to watch the happy customers of Charlie Willsey and tornado place on their website. Just go to and click on the testimonials tab. You'll find a bunch of different happy customers talking about the high level of safety and security that their tornado place storm shelter is providing them. They are so happy to be able to have peace of mind and knowing that their family will be safe if a natural disaster decides to strike in their neck of the woods. Many of the clients that you will see on the website in testimonials will be people who have purchased tornado Place storm shelters here in tornado Alley. There are tornado place dealers in many states in this region. Whether it be Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi it does not matter we can attest that tornado place storm shelters will be able to produce the same exact quality of configured and design custom storm shelter for whatever situation you happen to need or whatever milk and cranny you are looking to enforce.

By having such a provable set of benefits, a happy and loyal customer base, and dealers all across the United States and tornado Alley tornado place is storm shelters has made themselves the industry leading standard for flexible and durable storm shelters they can go anywhere you want them. The Level of quality and service in these products is unsurpassed. They have tested them professionally. They have the certifications. They can be found in Tulsa at 6907 E. 14th St.. You can pick up the phone right now and call them at 918-863-8989 and talk to them about incorporating a new level of safety into the lives of you and your family. This safety is unprecedented in terms of peace of mind provided during the unlikely event of an F5 tornado heading towards your house. We know that that is a scary situation and there probably will not happen. But the reason we exist is because it does actually happen. And if it does we can tell you that if you are inside one of our safe rooms Tulsa , you will be safe.

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